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The Calorie Burner appetite suppressant candle contains grapefruit oil and the scent of grapefruit oil can help reduce appetite and body weight.

"The scent of grapefruit oil, and particularly its primary component limonene, affects autonomic nerves, enhances lipolysis through a histaminergic response, and reduces appetite and body weight."

Olfactory stimulation with scent of grapefruit oil affects autonomic nerves, lipolysis and appetite in lab tests...Read More!

The Calorie Burner appetite suppressant candle contains grapefruit oil and grapefruit odor could be utilized for controlling blood glucose levels.

"These results suggest that olfactory function is important for proper glucose kinetics after glucose intake and that certain fragrances could be utilized as tools for controlling BG levels."

Olfactory stimulation modulates the blood glucose level in lab tests....Read More!